
Apomixis is a type of asexual reproduction in plants, where seeds are produced without fertilization. This process of seed formation plays a crucial role in the breeding of crops, and its understanding is crucial for crop improvement. In this blog, we will explore apomixis in detail, including its types, mechanisms, advantages, and disadvantages, as well as some examples of apomixis in crops.

Types of Apomixis:

There are three main types of apomixis: adventitious embryony, gametophytic apomixis, and nucellar embryony.

  • In adventitious embryony, the embryo develops directly from a somatic cell in the ovule.
  • In gametophytic apomixis, the embryo develops from an unfertilized egg cell, a synergistic cell, or an antipodal cell.
  • In nucellar embryony, the embryo develops from the nucellus tissue surrounding the embryo sac.

Mechanisms of Apomixis:

The mechanisms of apomixis include diplospory, apospory, and parthenogenesis. Diplospory is a type of meiotic division where the meiotic spindle fails to form, leading to the development of unreduced egg cells.

Apospory is the formation of an embryo sac without meiosis, resulting in the development of embryos. Parthenogenesis is the development of an embryo without fertilization.

Examples of Apomixis in Crops:

Apomixis occurs naturally in several crop species, including citrus, mango, and guava. In citrus, apomixis has been used to create seedless varieties, while in mango and guava, it has been used to produce true-to-type plants from seed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Apomixis

Current Research on Apomixis:

Research on apomixis is ongoing, with the aim of understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying this process. This understanding could lead to the creation of novel apomictic crops, which could help in the development of more sustainable and productive agricultural systems.


Apomixis is a fascinating process that plays an essential role in plant breeding. Its mechanisms are complex and challenging to understand, but the potential benefits for crop improvement are immense. Continued research on apomixis could lead to significant advances in agriculture, helping to address the challenges of food security and sustainability.

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