Blue Whale
The Antarctic blue whale is the world’s largest mammal, weighing up to 400,000 pounds (about 33 elephants) and reaching lengths of up to 98 feet. They devour around 7936 pounds of krill per day during the peak feeding season. It is known as the loudest mammal on the planet. The sound they make is even louder than a jet engine. They can make low-frequency whistle and it may be heard from hundreds of kilometers. It is assumed that the low-frequency whistle is most likely used to attract other blue whales.
Blue whales swim in small groups on occasion, although they mainly swim alone or in pairs. They are supposed to create tight bonds. Blue whales are one of the loudest mammals on the world, communicating with each other through a sequence of low frequency pulses, sighs, and moans that we cannot hear. Blue whales are estimated to be able to hear each other over distances of up to 1,600 kilometers under excellent conditions. Blue whales are now listed as endangered on the Red List of the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
Saltwater crocodiles
The saltwater crocodiles are the opportunistic predators. It lurks beneath the surface of the water, calmly waiting for its food. It will eat anything that it can get its hands on, it would be large mammals like rhinos, buffaloes, wild bears, and even sharks.
Saltwater crocodiles had nearly been hunted to extinction by the mid-1960s. Today, the population is thought to be at minimal risk.
They may dwell in both brackish and freshwater rivers and wetlands near the coast. Saltwater Crocodiles give birth to their offspring in freshwater.
On a river bank, the female lays 40–60 eggs in a nest constructed of plant debris and mud. Several nests are inundated, killing the embryos. It takes 90 days for the eggs to mature.
When saltwater crocodile eggs are about to hatch, they create chirping sounds. Their mother then comes to their rescue by excavating them out of the nest. She carries them to the water’s edge in her mouth and thereafter as they hatch, watches over them until they are grown up to look after themselves.
Brown Bears
Bears are extremely clever creatures. They have significantly higher navigation skills than humans, good memory, a big brain-to-body ratio, and employ tools in a variety of scenarios ranging from play to hunting.
Bears have acute senses of smell, vision, and hearing. They can detect food, cubs, a partner, or predators from great distances. Their keen vision enables them to identify when fruits are ripe.
Some Asian bear species make nests in trees. They may utilize these to conceal themselves, feed, and even sleep.
Bears are extremely protective of their family members. They will put their life in peril and even battle to the death to defend a cub or sibling.
The world’s biggest bird is the flightless ostrich. Three stomachs are found in ostriches.
Ostriches are the fastest runners of any bird and they are capable of sprinting at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. They can cover up to 5m just in a single stride.
Ostriches run faster since they only have two toes on each foot. The huge nail on the larger, inner toe resembles a hoof and this supports its main function.
The wings of an ostrich can reach a span of about 2 meters and sometimes they are used in attracting other ostriches for mating. It also helps to cover the exposed skin of the upper legs and flanks to preserve heat in cold temperatures.
They use their powerful, long legs as lethal weapons, capable of killing a human or a prospective predator such as a lion with a forward kick.
Normally, ostriches spend the winter months in couples or alone. They lay their eggs in a three-meter-wide nest. The eggs are the biggest of any living bird, measuring 15cm long and weighing 1kg.The dominant female incubates the eggs during the day while the male incubates them at night. When the eggs hatch after 35 to 45 days of incubation, the male normally guards and trains the hatchlings to eat.
Ostriches can go for several days without drinking by utilizing metabolic water.
The ostrich possesses the biggest eye of any terrestrial mammal, measuring over 5 cm wide, allowing predators like lions to be spotted from great distances.
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Giant Salamander is a one of largest amphibian on Earth. Because they have weak eyesight, they find their prey by sensing vibrations in the water.
They live their whole lives beneath water but lack gills. They take in oxygen via their skin.
During breeding season, females deposit 400-500 eggs, which the males care for until they hatch.
They were once widespread, but are now severely endangered owing to habitat degradation and overhunting.
Giraffes are the world’s tallest mammals. Giraffes stand between 16 and 20 feet (4.8–6 meters) tall on average. Giraffes have lengthy necks that may reach more than six feet (1.8 meters) in length. Their long legs and necks enable them to consume leaves that, other animals cannot reach at the tops of tall trees.
Until recently, it was believed that there was just one species of giraffe. Scientists recently discovered four species: Northern giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis), Southern giraffe (Giraffa giraffe), Masai giraffe (Giraffa tippelskirchi), and reticulated giraffe (Giraffa reticulata).
Giraffes have a distinctive spotted coat, with no two giraffes having the same pattern. This implies that giraffes may be distinguished based on their coats.
Males with longer and stronger necks compete with other males and frequently win the female.
Giraffes live in Africa’s broad plains, meadows, and savannas.
They have lengthy tongues and no teeth in the front of their upper jaws. Giraffes have 32 teeth, which is the same as humans. Their mouths, however, are considerably different from humans. Teeth are found at the front of the bottom jaw but not in the back of the top jaw.
Baby giraffes can stand in half an hour and run with their parents after only 10 hours. One female will often stay and care for the kids. In giraffes’ males are usually not involved in child rearing.
They sleep either lying down or standing up, with their necks resting on their bodies. Sleep happens in tiny bursts, sometimes less than a minute.
African elephants
African elephants are the world’s biggest land creatures.
Elephants are intelligent, gregarious, and immensely strong animals.
It is thought that there were over 300 elephant species years ago, but currently only two remain: Asian and African kinds.
The African Elephant is the biggest of the species, with enormous ears and huge tusks. The Asian Elephant has a huge physique as well, but its ears are smaller. For this species, females do not grow tusks.
Scientists have discovered that there are two types of African elephants, both of which are on the verge of extinction. Savanna elephants are bigger creatures that inhabit on the plains of Sub-Saharan Africa, whereas forest elephants live in the forests of Central and West Africa. Savanna elephants are listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, whereas forest elephants are listed as severely endangered.
African elephants are keystone species, which means that they play an important role in their environment. Elephants, sometimes known as “ecosystem engineers,” consume roots, grasses, fruit, and bark. In a single day, an adult elephant may devour up to 300 pounds of food.
Elephants live and move in groups led by a matriarch female, who is usually an older and more experienced member of the herd.
Elephants are well-known for their many vocalizations. Chirps, trumpets, and high-pitched squeaks may travel long distances to neighboring groups.
The elephant’s greatest threat is habitat loss. Land clearance for agricultural purposes and human development is taking place in both Africa and Asia, leaving limited room for elephants to wander freely.