Running indoor on a treadmill vs running outside – which one is better for health?

Running indoor on a treadmill vs running outside – which one is better for health?

Introduction Running raises the heart rate and burns fat and calories, and improves blood cholesterol and glucose levels. All of them are necessary for weight loss. It also improves cardiac health and aerobic endurance. Treadmill running and outdoor running both have benefits and drawbacks. Once you start training seriously, one issue will immediately spring up: […]

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 MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI is a technique used in medicine to visualize the inner structures of the body for diagnosing diseases. This is different from X-rays, CT scans, and PET scans. MRI does not use ionizing radiation which can be harmful to the human body. MRI uses strong magnetic fields as well as radio waves to create images of the inside of the human body.

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 Human lymphatic system – anatomy and physiology

Human lymphatic system – anatomy and physiology

The lymphatic system in human beings is a specialized network of vessels that run throughout the body. Just like arteries and veins flow blood in the human body, lymphatic vessels flow a special fluid called lymph. Lymph has its own functions in the human body. Lymphatic vessels ensure the optimum flow of lymph. This lesson is a simplified version of the human lymphatic system, its basic anatomy, and its physiology.

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