Differences between transpiration and guttation
Transpiration and guttation are two processes that involve the movement of water within plants. Here are some key differences between the two:
Process: Transpiration is the process by which water vapor is released from the leaves of a plant through small openings called stomata. Guttation is the process by which excess water is secreted from the vascular tissue of a plant and is expelled through specialized structures called hydathodes or guttation points.
Function: Transpiration serves several important functions in plants, including helping to regulate the plant’s water balance, cooling the plant, and aiding in the absorption of nutrients. Guttation, on the other hand, primarily serves to help relieve excess water pressure in the plant’s vascular tissue.
Occurrence: Transpiration occurs continuously during the day and night, although it is typically more active during the day when the stomata are open. Guttation, on the other hand, typically only occurs during the early morning or late evening when the air is cooler and more humid.
Location: Transpiration occurs through the stomata, which are found on the undersides of leaves. Guttation occurs through the hydathodes or guttation points, which are found on the margins of leaves, the tips of shoots, or the surface of flowers.
Appearance: Transpiration produces water vapor that is not visible to the naked eye. Guttation, on the other hand, produces visible droplets of water that can be seen on the plant’s leaves or stems.