It is a common scenario that students get stressed and worried over exam results. It may be a regular test or the final exams, bad grades are always disappointing. This leads to a situation where a child loses confidence, gets depressed, and even sometimes becomes anxious.

The first step to dealing with such a situation is not to panic. The next step is to help the child overcome his or her anxiety by explaining that it’s okay to have bad grades. In fact, there are ways in which parents can help their children deal with poor grades in school.

The way we react to our children’s bad grades is an important factor in how they will respond to these setbacks. If we respond with anger or criticism, this will only discourage them from trying harder in their studies.

Brainstorm with your child about how he or she feels about school. Do they feel bored? Is there too much homework? Are the lessons too easy? As a parent, it’s important to listen carefully and not criticize or lecture. Instead, focus on finding out what the problem is, so you can help them solve it.

Make sure you let them tell you what they think needs to happen. That way, you’re working together from the start.

#1 Tell that exam grades are not everything and other skills matter too

If they have received a bad grade, we need to be patient and supportive and help them understand why they received it. We need to find out where their difficulties lie. The best thing we can do is to encourage our child by sitting down with them and talking about what went wrong. It’s a good idea to talk about their strengths as well as their weaknesses.

What matters most of all is that the child knows that we are on their side and that we believe in them and trust that they can improve.

Every child is different. So are their needs and their learning methods. The most effective way to improve your child’s grades is to find out why they are low.

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StockSnap / Pixabay

This is one of the most important messages for young people who are disappointed with their exam results. It is important that they know that there are many other skills and qualities that can lead to success and happiness in adult life, such as kindness, compassion, humor, loyalty, resilience and resourcefulness.

In addition, the ability to work hard and learn from mistakes is a quality that is much more useful than high exam grades alone.

Getting poor grades in school is every child’s nightmare. However, this is a normal part of growing up and being a student. Poor performance in studies can be due to many reasons, such as lack of interest, poor understanding, or even laziness.

Whatever the reason may be, it is important that parents take active measures to help their child.

The reactions of parents and teachers can be very important in helping young people deal with failure. Make sure your child does not get too worked up over exam scores and focus instead on what they can do about it.

#2 Help them and appreciate their effort

Sometimes, students may feel scared and anxious about their academic performance. They can worry so much about their grades that they become overwhelmed or lose motivation.

When a student is not doing well in school, it can be hard for parents to know how to help. The first thing parents should do is understand the reasons for poor grades.

You can’t change the past, neither you can get back the time. What you can do is to help your child to come out of this situation by motivating them.

Whether your child has scored less or failed in exams, your role as a parent will be more important at this moment. Help them by any means.

Helping your children with their studies is an important part of parenting. Make sure you spend time helping your children understand challenging topics or subjects instead of simply explaining them or showing them how it’s done. Let your children try and figure out the problem themselves so they can feel more confident about their abilities when

The best way is to talk to them and make them realize that they have other abilities. Then you can also help them in their studies and also encourage them. By doing this, you can be a good parent or friend to your child.

#3 Restart the study campaign with clear goals

It is time for you and your child to start off the new studies campaign with a fresh mind, set clear goals and work hard to achieve the target.

It is very important for parents to stay active while studying with their children or they may lose interest in studies again because of their failure in exams.

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ernestoeslava / Pixabay

Exam results are one of the most stressful experiences for young people. Not only do they have to face the disappointment of not getting the results they want, but they may also feel that their future has been compromised.

#4 Do more than before

Your kid’s exam is over, and you sit with them to see the results. To your surprise, they have not passed. You wonder what is happening – did they not study enough? Or are they just not interested in the subject?

The best way for parents to react to poor exam grades is by helping their children improve their grades. They should work out with their children the areas where there is room for improvement in terms of study habits and the subjects that need more preparation. Parents should make an honest assessment of the efforts their children put into studying and find out from them if they need more help from teachers, tutors or themselves.

If your child just isn’t trying, sitting down with them and having a heart-to-heart talk about their effort is the first step to take. If they aren’t trying, then it’s most likely related to an underlying issue that needs addressing.

If it’s a matter of understanding, you need to find out what they are struggling with and what concepts they are having trouble grasping.

Whatever the reason might be, you know that this is a tough time for your child. They will be disappointed and may even feel like a failure. These negative emotions will be difficult for them to deal with on their own. That is why it is important for you to help your kid cope up with the situation and the help them get back on track and start again.


Exam results are not the only indication of your child’s ability. Children have many talents. Some may be good at sports, some in art while others might be good at music or drama. If your child is not good at studies, he may be better at one of the above-mentioned things. This can give him a confidence boost and he will feel motivated to do well in his studies.

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sasint / Pixabay

Once you have identified what is causing the poor grades, then you need to think about how you can help them. Start by writing down a plan together with your child of actionable steps that they can take immediately to get better grades.

About Author

Anuradhika Lakmali

Anuradhika Lakmali is a co-founder of Science A Plus learning network. She is working as a government teacher and has interest in chemistry, biology, phisics and self development.