Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is a plant that grows mostly in the wilds of North America. It has commercial value and is mostly grown for its root/tubers which are also known as the ‘heart’ of the plant.

The Jerusalem artichoke’s leaves are used as animal food or medicine. It is a member of the sunflower family and its main role in the garden is to grow as an ornamental plant as well as a vegetable. Jerusalem artichoke benefits are many and we will introduce you to some of them so that you can get on with incorporating these benefits into your life.
What is a Jerusalem Artichoke?
A Jerusalem artichoke is a type of domesticated sunflower which is indigenous to North America.
The Jerusalem artichoke’s wild relative, the common sunflower, is native to Europe and eastern Asia, where it is cultivated as an ornamental plant.

The Jerusalem artichoke’s main properties are that it is both a very nutritious vegetable and an excellent source of vitamins B6, C, and, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and more. It also contains a very large amount of dietary fiber which is believed to improve the digestive system and heart health.
Benefits of Jerusalem Artichoke

Healthy Skin – Because it is a good source of Vitamin C, you should include it in your daily diet.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight – The fiber found in the Jerusalem artichoke helps to promote regular bowel movements, which in turn helps to regulate your body’s pH levels and keeps you feeling healthy and energetic.
Staying Young – The magnesium and other antioxidants found in the Jerusalem artichoke can assist in the regulation of the body’s rate of function and help to maintain a healthy memory and concentration.
How to Eat Jerusalem Artichoke?
For people who don’t like a strong taste in their food, a root is a good option because it doesn’t taste strong. The taste is mostly nutty and sweet. The tubers are cooked in several recipes.

The best way to enjoy it is stir-fried with a little vegetable stock and seasoned with soy sauce or sesame oil. You can also eat boiled or fried.
Why you Should Try Jerusalems Artichoke
Whether you are a professional gardener or a complete amateur, you will want to know as much as possible about the benefits of the Jerusalem artichoke.
We list some of the benefits below:
Healthy Skin- Improving collagen, reducing wrinkles, improving skin hydration.
Better digestion- The fiber found in the Jerusalem artichoke helps to promote healthy gastrointestinal tract function.
Strengthened Immune System- The magnesium in the Jerusalem artichokes helps to regulate your immune system, preventing inflammation.
Other names
Jerusalem artichoke is a small, tender, and succulent vegetable with a unique flavor that isn’t to be missed. It’s also called sunchoke, earth apple, or wild sunflower. The common English name for the plant is Jerusalem artichoke.
How to Grow Jerusalem Artichokes Indoors
The important thing to remember about growing artichokes indoors is that they should be grown in a container of some kind.
You can grow them in a standard pot or a plant pot. They will thrive best in a container with deep, well-draining soil. If you are growing them inside, you can purchase standard plastic pots.
How to Grow Jerusalem Artichokes Outside
If you are growing them outside, you can either plant them in the garden or look for pre-selections for the garden.
Or, you can purchase specially grown varieties that are available from a local nursery or online retailers. Gardening is more similar to other kinds of sunflowers. You need to remember that the top of the plant can be heavy with flower buds.
Pros of Growing Your Own
Enjoy time in the garden: You can either grow it from seed or buy a plant. You will have much more time in the garden if you are growing it from seed.
Get more vegetables every season: You can also grow vegetables such as asparagus, squashes, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, bell peppers, and more.
Get more exercise: Gardening and working with plants gives you moderate physical exercise which is good for your health.
Get more produce every season: With proper gardening tips, you can get more products for your consumption.
The Jerusalem artichoke is a popular ornamental plant that is also known as the “wild sunflower.” It is a member of the sunflower family and is indigenous to North America.
You can enjoy it as an ornamental plant or else make delicious soups and stews. The Jerusalem artichoke is a healthy vegetable with many benefits.