Is recycling metal important?

Is recycling metal important?

Recycling metal is always a good thing to do, but how important is it? The answer to that question depends on how much of the total amount of metal in a country’s waste stream comes from recycled metal. On average, about 45% of all metals are recycled. In the U.S., this number is 65%. Countries […]

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 Latest developments in adhesives

Latest developments in adhesives

Chemical adhesives have been around for quite some time. With the advancements in chemistry today, the newest chemical adhesive on the market is able to bond fifty degrees below zero without any thinners or other additives. This synthetic rubber-like glue works by forming tiny plastic filaments that bond to either metal or ceramic surfaces. This […]

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 Why is it important to protect marine life?

Why is it important to protect marine life?

Animals and plants depend on the ocean and its habitats to survive The ocean may seem like a vast resource, but human activities are quickly changing this. Without careful management, our oceans can become polluted, overfished, and unhealthy. Protecting the health and diversity of marine life is important for many reasons; Marine life provides food […]

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 Algae Against Climate Change

Algae Against Climate Change

What are algae? Algae are a type of organism that is often referred to as ‘simple’ plants, although they aren’t really planted at all. Algae can be found in many different types of environments and have a variety of different reproductive methods. They are photosynthetic organisms. Algae are aquatic plants composed of single or multiple […]

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 How do sunspots affect the Earth?

How do sunspots affect the Earth?

The sun is the most significant source of energy on Earth. In addition to providing heat and light, it provides us with solar radiation, which can literally be a lifesaver in more ways than one. While there are countless theories and experiments that have been performed in the name of sunspots, what are the actual […]

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 How to solve the problem of space junk?

How to solve the problem of space junk?

As people around the world continue to enjoy access to new technologies, such as smartphones and other smart devices, one result has been an increase in satellites entering orbit around our planet. There are more than 8261 active satellites in Earth’s orbit today. Today, Earth’s orbit has reached a saturation point with the potential for […]

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 Can smoking cause sore throat?

Can smoking cause sore throat?

A sore throat is a painful inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the pharynx. Sore throats are usually caused by viral or bacterial infections, toxins, irritants, trauma, or injury to the throat. Sore throat is a common problem that affects almost everyone at some point in their life. The condition is characterized by pain […]

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