Origin of Our Solar System

Origin of Our Solar System

It is said that the solar system was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago. At that time of origin the solar system was only a cloud of dust and gas known as a the solar nebula. It is believed that our Solar System was formed when a cloud of dust and gas was disturbed by an explosion of a nearby star called the Supernova.

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 Solar energy and its commercial uses

Solar energy and its commercial uses

Solar energy is a renewable energy source coming from our primary energy source of the Sun. Solar energy arrives in the earth as the sun radiates. The sun generates energy from the process of nuclear fusion. Energy from the sun is essential for many natural phenomena and the existence of life on the earth. Solar energy is also used as an alternative energy source in many industries.

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 Human lymphatic system – anatomy and physiology

Human lymphatic system – anatomy and physiology

The lymphatic system in human beings is a specialized network of vessels that run throughout the body. Just like arteries and veins flow blood in the human body, lymphatic vessels flow a special fluid called lymph. Lymph has its own functions in the human body. Lymphatic vessels ensure the optimum flow of lymph. This lesson is a simplified version of the human lymphatic system, its basic anatomy, and its physiology.

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 Making a Standard Solution

Making a Standard Solution

In chemistry when the concentration of a solution is accurately known it is called a standard solution. Standard solutions are needed for carrying out chemical experiments in the laboratory. Furthermore, they are needed to get accurate results. Standard solutions are useful in several industries as well.

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