How fast can you read? If you want to become a fast and effective reader, then this blog post is for you. You will find out how to read faster and more efficiently by following the steps we provide. With these tips, your reading speed will be significantly increased!
The ability to read fast is a skill that can help us get more out of our days. It can be used for all sorts of tasks, including studying and reading books. If you want to improve your fast reading skills, this blog post will give you tips on how to read fast and effectively. There are many different techniques that work well depending on the person’s preferences and needs – so there is something in here for everyone!
The old adage “speed kills” certainly rings true when we talk about reading. Whether you are a pro at processing text or just getting started, there is no doubt that if your pace isn’t comparable to how quickly words come off the page then it will take much longer for you to get through each sentence and paragraph – not only causing frustration but also limiting comprehension as well!
It might be taking you longer to process what’s going on in a book, and it could also just feel like your mind needs more time for itself because of life changes or whatever else is happening with yourself right now-but don’t worry! There are ways to solve this problem.
What is the main topic?
The author will often provide context, summarize why she’s written this particular book and offer advice for those who might be interested in what they have written so far in the first preface section of the book.
Most non fiction books are around a simple yet effective concept. The entire book is based on basically solving a problem or coming up different kinds of solutions to a single root problem of utmost importance. The idea here is to focus on that main point so that when we read we complete the concept or the story the author wishes to narrate.
What if we don’t have enough time to do that? In many cases, fast reading can be used as an effective solution for this problem. During the fast reading you have to focus on main concept and how it branches out into smaller subtopics and subheadings.
Each chapter, each paragraph usually has a message or a purpose. In fast reading you should be able to identify this single message conveyed in each section. This can be tricky. If you can’t understand a paragraph or if it confuses you, go back and read it again slowly. After reading the passage for the first time, identify what type of text is it – fiction, non-fiction, poetry etc. This will help you adjust your speed while reading. Fiction should be read quickly to capture the story, whereas non-fiction should be read in a way to understand the main concept clearly.
When writing each user’s style pf writing can be different. Understanding the beauty of writing as well as the purpose of writing are both of utmost importance. When you have to focus on fast and efficient reading the purpose comes first and therefore you have to stay focussed around the main points of each sections of the content. This way people who might read through what was written before them won’t have any trouble following along because their focus will already have been established at this stage by how much smoother things go when reading informatively instead wasting calories struggling over every little detail found within sentences.
Imagine the concept and what it is going to be
This is an awesome part of reading. You are predicting what it is going to be. This is based on your experiences and expectations. Just before reading the entire story or book you guess what it is going to be like, in your mind.
This is effective reading. It’s like you are getting to know the author and what their writing style is so that when you do read the work it will flow better. This also includes skimming material as well because if you can get an idea of what a document contains then your brain can save energy.
In the process you have to fill in the blanks in your collection of assumption. This can be correct or wrong but the important part is being a part of the story and actively completing the concept that the writer tried to explain in his context.

When reading you can break the material down into smaller chunks. This will allow you to focus on specific details and not get overwhelmed with the information. When you are done, put all the pieces back together and see how everything connects. This is a great technique for when you are studying because it will help you focus on what’s more important than the rest.
Why you need to know this information
When reading lessons, fiction or non-fiction you should focus on the facts that yu wish to know and understand better. In the first place when you started to read the context you had a purpose to know something better or else to entertain yourself or else to push your limits further. Keep that objective in mind and every now and then ask yourself are you following your purpose in reading the material.
This can be overwhelming sometimes, but your focus need to be sharp in this situation. When reading it is easy to loose courage or willingness to continue. At that time you should ask yourself why you started all this. Then only you can realise that you had a purpose in the beginning, but you let it fade in the hallway. When that happens, try to remember what it was and continue reading.
If you have a goal in mind, then it would be easy for you to stay focused on the text. You should also set a time limit for completing the task so that you are able to focus more on the material.
Reading fast is not only about speed but also about efficiency as well. You have to use this technique for your own good, otherwise it will be hard to read fast.
Skimming and Scanning
You should also know that there are two types of fast reading techniques: skimming and scanning. It depends on the type of material you are studying so choose accordingly or else both can prove costly in terms of time spent as well as results gained.
You may ask have already come across these terms “skimming” and “scanning”. But did you ever wonder what skimming and scanning mean. Let’s wait no further and see what skimming and scanning mean and how to do that correctly for better and faster reading.

Skimming is a fast reading technique that should be used when you want to get the main points of a text. It helps you read texts faster and understand them better. To skim, you need to identify the most important information in a text and focus on it while quickly skimming through the rest of the material. Scanning is looking for a specific fact or group of facts in a given context.
Skimming is like going to a zoo to enjoy your day you can watch animals, have some melas with friends, relax, take photos and call it a day. Scanning on the other hand is like going to see to study zebras’ behaviour. You have one purpose in mind and you focus on it entirely.
Skimming might save you hours of time-consuming reading. It would not be, however, still the best method to read. When you skim even though you get the main idea, the is still a chance that you may miss some important facts in the context. That is why these techniques need practice so that you can grab all the important facts fast.
When skimming you ar not going to read each and every sentence or paragraph. You are going to fly over the content in few seconds or minutes. First read the table of contents or the outline. Then read the titles. If there are highlighted texts or special content read them as well. Go through the summary if provided in each chapter. Then focus on keywords and main points to complete the skimming. If that is not satisfactory you can add reading introduction or concluding paragraphs where there is a good glimpse of the content written by the author. At the end of skimming you should be able to have a good bird’s eye view of the content.
Scanning on the other hand is quite different from skimming. In scanning you are looking for a specific fact or point. You use keywords as well. When scanning you know what you are looking for. You either have keywords or questions in mind and you are looking for answers. You can read fast by doing this because you are focusing on one thing.
This is particularly effective when studying for an exam or looking for relevant information in your field of study. For example, if you would like to find out more about zebra’s behaviour in a book about animal behaviour you only focus on content where zebras are mentioned. When doing this do not forget to scan the tables, diagrams and summaries as well. Scanning for answers for the question in your mind can be time consuming and it requires a lot of attention as well.
Questions and answers
The key to understanding a book is by asking questions and answering them. This process brings comprehension quickly because the text should be equipped with answers for those queries, which makes reading easier on your brain as well!
When reading you can write down the question in a notebook at your side. While reading you are constantly asking yourself the answers you are looking for. This way reading becomes more effective as well as interactive. You are not only reading but also looking for answers for the questions in your mind. You will remember the facts effectively since you are actively participating in reading just like a game!
Make sure your questions are focussed, short and related. At the end of the reading the questions need to be answered and the content of the book needs to be clarified. This saves your time and improves your knowledge at the same time.
See the concept in visuals
Visualising content is best for visual learners. When visualising a concept optimising your time can be difficult if you don’t know how to do it properly. There are various ways of doing so and some might not work for everyone, but there is always a way and that’s the main thing to remember here.
Trying to see a story or a movie out of the written context is useful in visualisation. When trying to visualise you are making a movie out of the plot you received. You have to be creative as well as efficient. First of all you should have in mind what you are going to create in the end.
Instead of just reading or listening to information, try drawing pictures in your head. You will be able use both sides if the brain when doing this so it’s important for you not only understand what has been said but also remember how it all works together too! When making a visual you keep the main points in mind and you become the center of the stage and you can put your ideas, character or scenes the way you love to see them. That way only it becomes interesting as well as easy to remember and digest.

You can be creative as you wish when making a visual in your mind. This can be a diagram, a story, a step by step process or anything your mind tells you to imagine. By this you may ask why is this important to me? why is this referring to me? You will find answers in your creative journey when you use visuals for more creative and effective reading.
Use SQ3R study method and PQ4R study method
You may now wondering what these words mean. Let’s wait no further.
SQ3R means;
Survey – Skimming to get an idea of the context before reading
Question – Make some questions before reading
Read – Read and make notes on the go and look for answers and keywords
Recite – Complete the answers and recall and read again
Review – During next 24 hours go through it again and try to understand better
PQ4R means;
Preview – Skimming for contents, diagrams and summary
Question – Prepare yourself with questions
Read – Find answers, make notes and read thoroughly
Reflect – Pause a bit and ask yourself – Did I understand what I just read? Can I apply this concept? Can I simplify this further?
Recite – Find answers and read once more
Review – Reviewing the material is important, but don’t wait too long. It is best done at 24 hrs and after 2 days and after 7 days.
SQ3R was the older method. SQ3R can be used to study quickly and efficiently. The technique is most helpful when you are short on time, but want access the information that’s written in texts or books as well-sourced material with key points summarised correctly. It’s best used when there are only key points that need reviewing. This method helps summarise those important facts concisely for later use!
PQ4R is more advanced than the previous SQ3R method. SQ3R lacks reflecting which is of utmost importance. PQ4R is also known as a more active form of learning than its previous version SQ3R. PQ4R is best for revising a lot of notes in a short time while memorising the important points of a text. It is possible to improve our reading comprehension by focusing more on the text itself. However, this will not help us as much if we do not make an effort during study sessions.
Take home message
With these tips for becoming a faster and better reader, you should be able to see your reading speed significantly increases! Like every skill practice makes it perfect and you need go through this article every once in a while to try new study methods and improve your skillset. Studying and reading is becoming more advanced every day. Therefore being smart and efficient is the key for better learning and succeeding in life.