How to learn cell biology basics – GCSE

How to learn cell biology basics – GCSE

Learn some background information Cell biology is the study of cells, and how they function and interact with other cells. Cell biology focuses on the structure, function, and organization of cells as well as their chemical, physical and molecular properties. Understand who discovered cells. In 1665, English scientist Robert Hooke discovered that living things are […]

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 Sulfurous smog vs photochemical smog

Sulfurous smog vs photochemical smog

What is Sulfurous smog? Sulfurous smog is a combination of sulfur dioxide, smoke, and fog. Sulfur dioxide is released into the air due to fossil fuels that are rich in sulfur such as coal. When fossil fuels like coal are burned, it releases tiny particles into the air that mix with other pollutants. The result […]

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 How to motivate yourself to exercise?

How to motivate yourself to exercise?

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but many of us have trouble finding the motivation to work out Establishing an exercise routine is a great way to improve your health and feel more energetic. Exercise can help boost your self-esteem, prevent diseases like heart disease, strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your […]

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 Astrobiology – What you need to know

Astrobiology – What you need to know

Astrobiology is the study of how life originated in the Universe The multidisciplinary study of life in the Universe is known as astrobiology. It seeks to answer three essential questions: How did life begin and how did it evolve? Is there life in other parts of the Universe? What is the fate of life on […]

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 Why self-development is important for students

Why self-development is important for students

Having a successful academic career is hardly achievable without having the right self-development skills. Furthermore, these skills will help students perform to their maximum potential. As the young generation moves forward into this harsh competitive world and their academic life comes to an end, people are required to acquire skills that will enable them to […]

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 Achieving goals with minimum stress

Achieving goals with minimum stress

Stress is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Stress is not always a bad thing. Sometimes we need stress to achieve goals, and sometimes it can lead us to situations that put our safety at risk. When you are preparing for an important project or presentation, a little stress can be helpful because it motivates you […]

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