The sun is the most significant source of energy on Earth. In addition to providing heat and light, it provides us with solar radiation, which can literally be a lifesaver in more ways than one. While there are countless theories and experiments that have been performed in the name of sunspots, what are the actual effects of these sunspots on the Earth?
Scientists have long been at work to understand just how sunspots affect us on Earth. These dark markings on the sun can cause considerable changes in solar radiation, both directly by scattering light and indirectly by causing the formation of clouds. In turn, those changes can alter temperatures and weather patterns here on Earth. Understanding the effects of sunspots is especially important for understanding climate change.
The most notable effect of sunspots is the change in solar radiation they create. Sunspots cause an overall reduction in solar radiation reaching the surface of our planet. Scientists estimate that a single sunspot can reduce the overall amount of solar radiation at the top of Earth’s atmosphere by up to one-half. However, sunspots will vary over time, and their effects on Earth’s climate are not entirely clear.
Sunspots also cause changes in Earth’s troposphere or lower atmosphere by way of two indirect mechanisms: first, by causing bright areas nearby on the sun to become hotter, and second, through ozone production. These changes, in turn, can alter global temperatures.
What are sunspots on the sun?
Sunspots are dark areas of the sun’s photosphere that appear as small regions of low activity. They are caused by intense magnetic fields blocking the flow of energy from inside the sun to its surface. The magnetic field of a sunspot is typically several times stronger than the average magnetic field on the sun. Magnetic fields create currents in surrounding plasma, which generate electrical and radio emissions that can be detected on Earth, providing a direct probe for scientists to study these regions.

Sunspots appear dark because the strong magnetic fields scatter light from below, reducing its intensity at Earth’s surface by about 13%. Sunspots of different sizes will appear darker or lighter depending on the size of their magnetic fields. Larger spots with larger magnetic fields scatter more light and appear darker. Smaller spots will scatter less light and appear brighter.
Sunspots are actually very hot on their own. They are about 4000 K (3700 °F or 6700 °C). However, because they have strong magnetic fields, they contain a lot of energy that is not immediately visible. The magnetic field is so strong that it prevents energy from the sun’s interior from reaching the surface and escaping as visible radiation. Instead, the energy builds up and gets trapped in the sunspot. This results in very bright visible light radiating from these spots and from surrounding areas where the magnetic field has heated.
So, how much does an individual sunspot reduce solar radiation? It depends on how big it is. To get a rough estimate, scientists study the area of the spot on the sun and use that as a proxy for how much solar radiation is being scattered.
Sunspots can affect temperatures at or near the sunspot through several mechanisms: they can alter heat flow in other parts of the photosphere, absorb heat from below, and cause thermal convection in their immediate vicinity. Sunspots directly affect other material on the sun’s surface by heat as they affect its magnetic field and radiative properties.
Thermal convection in the sunspot’s immediate vicinity transfers hot material to cooler areas in its wake. This can be seen as some areas of the sun appear brighter relative to others at different times in a sunspot cycle. When this happens, warm material is brought up from below by convection and is heated more quickly than it gets released back into space by solar radiation pressure.
The impact of sunspots on our planet is really up to the individual: they can be good or bad depending on where you live. For example, it’s common knowledge that higher temperatures are found during times of intense solar activity due to increased solar radiation. Thus, areas such as Phoenix and Denver in the United States see a very high average temperature at this time.
Conversely, Los Angeles gets over 200 days each year with temperatures between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s almost as if this is by design because the areas that get to enjoy these temperatures every day have a higher amount of sunspots in the sky.
In addition to temperature, solar activity has been linked to other things, such as longer growing seasons. When there are more sunspots on the sun, plants usually thrive because more solar radiation can reach the Earth and is then distributed evenly. This has been observed firsthand with sunflowers in Duxbury, Massachusetts, which were found to be able to grow an average of 25 percent more during times of increased solar activity. In fact, farmers can use this knowledge to increase their harvest by planting sunflowers at a particular time after the sunspot cycle ends.
On a more global scale, solar activity can affect our weather patterns. It affects the Earth as a whole, but it can also affect individual parts of the planet, specifically in regions of the world that are more vulnerable to these types of changes. For example, when the Sahara gets affected by space weather, it can cause the planet to overshadow a high-pressure area that is normally found in the United States. This thereby causes hurricanes to pick up new energy and form in a different direction, namely inland towards Florida and North Carolina.
While sunspots are responsible for causing many changes on our planet, they are not responsible for all of them. In fact, sunspots can also be beneficial by attracting and concentrating UV radiation onto very specific areas of the Earth. This allows plants in these areas to flourish because they are able to absorb more of this vital light. In addition, the sunspots help to provide a cooler temperature in these areas of the world.
While it is clear that solar activity can cause millions of things to happen on Earth, there are also many unknown and unclear things. For example, scientists are still not certain how exactly solar activity changes the Earth’s weather patterns. The biggest reason is that they have yet to predict when exactly a space weather event will occur.
While there are many known and unknown aspects of solar activity, it is clear that sunspots can change things around here on Earth. While some of these changes are negative and less desirable, there are many instances where the sunspots are positive and provide benefits to those on the planet. As solar activity continues in the future, more research will be conducted on how this energy affects our daily lives and our global climate.
How Do Sunspots Affect Our Daily Lives?
During this time period of increased solar activity, you may have noticed a significant amount of space weather affecting your day-to-day routine here on Earth. While it is easy to think that these changes are directly caused by the sun, an example is the heat waves we’ve been experiencing recently. We can learn a lot about how solar activity affects us as humans. In fact, everything around us can be affected by the sun’s magnetic field. Humans are affected during times of increased solar activity, but animals and plants also have a similar response.
However, unlike humans who have the ability to live through cold temperatures for extended periods of time, plants and animals need solar radiation to get their nutrients for growth and survival.
There are still many ways that we can prepare ourselves and others for these events. In addition, with modern technology, we are now able to track solar flares before they happen and monitor them when they occur around Earth. This will give us advanced warning to prepare for any extreme weather patterns that may occur as a result of increased solar activity on the planet.