Practical manual – Construction of a simple cell

Practical manual – Construction of a simple cell

Generation of electricity Some sources can generate electricity by chemical reactions. Examples are Dry cells, simple cells, and car batteries. Let’s make a simple cell. You will need A small beaker, copper, and zinc sheets, a torch bulb, a center-zero galvanometer, dilute sulphuric acid, and pieces of connection wire. Method Thoroughly clean the copper and […]

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 Practical manual for Electrolysis

Practical manual for Electrolysis

What is electrolysis? The chemical change resulted by passing an electric current through an electrolyte is known as electrolysis. During this process, the electrolyte (solution) is converted into simpler components. Applications of electrolysis Extraction of certain metals (e.g. sodium, aluminum) Industrial manufacturing of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) Electroplating Electrolysis is commonly used in various industries. […]

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 Animal Physiology – BLOOD AND CIRCULATION


WHAT IS BLOOD CIRCULATION? Blood circulation is a transport system in a closed circuit formed by the heart and blood vessels. It gathers materials from some locations and, unloads them in others, as it travels across the body. Materials transported through the blood in mammals are Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nutrients Urea Hormones Antibodies Blood also […]

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 Differences between Monocot and Dicot

Differences between Monocot and Dicot

Flowering plants or angiosperms Flowering plants or angiosperms are classified into two groups: They are Monocotyledonous or monocots Dicotyledonous or in short dicots. We must analyze the many structural characteristics of angiosperms, such as roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, in order to distinguish between monocots and dicots. However, the differences between monocots and dicots start […]

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 Practical manual – Let’s demonstrate the electromagnetic induction

Practical manual – Let’s demonstrate the electromagnetic induction

What is electromagnetic induction? Generation of electricity in a conductor when a magnetic field is cutting with the conductor is known as electromagnetic induction. Some sources can generate electricity by rotating or else by moving them. e.g.: – bicycle dynamo, electric generators Let’s identify how electricity is generated in a dynamo. You will need – A […]

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 Differences between the crocodile and the alligator

Differences between the crocodile and the alligator

Classification of crocodile and the alligator Alligators and crocodiles are reptiles that belong to two different families. Crocodilia is the class of reptilia that is considered large predatory and semi-aquatic creatures. Mostly they are called crocodilians. there are three families in order crocodilia. Family Crocodylidae, family Alligatoridae, and family Gavialidae. True crocodiles are belonging to […]

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 Cellular respiration

Cellular respiration

What is Cellular respiration? It is the process of oxidating simple foods to produce energy for biological activities within living cells called Cellular respiration. Organisms gain food from the digestive system and oxygen from the respiratory system by inspiration. These two components react with each other and give energy as the main product and carbon […]

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 How an air-purifier works and why you need one

How an air-purifier works and why you need one

An air purifier is made to filter the air in your home and remove contaminants from it, such as bacteria and allergy-triggering particles. You might be wondering how an air purifier manages to work. In a nutshell, it removes the particles of dirt or smoke that are floating in your home through a three-step process: […]

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