Acids and bases explained

Acids and bases explained

Properties of acids and bases What is an acid? An acid is a chemical compound that, when dissolved in water, creates the only positively charged ion, hydrogen ions (H+). Acids are frequently described as having a sour taste, as seen by common household acids such as vinegar and lemon juice. Acids and bases are also […]

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 Nanotechnology and its applications

Nanotechnology and its applications

Nanotechnology What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology refers to the field of study and manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular levels. Designing, synthesizing, characterizing, and applying materials, devices, and systems with at least one dimension in the 1–100 nm range is part of this field (nm). Materials’ nanoscale properties may vary widely from their bulk […]

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 Friction physics lesson with examples

Friction physics lesson with examples

Friction Friction definition in physics Frictional forces are forces that act between the surfaces of two objects in contact with each other to oppose relative motion when the objects are moving relative to each other or to oppose the tendency to move when the objects are moving relative to each other. Frictional forces exist in […]

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 Writing chemical formular made easy

Writing chemical formular made easy

How to write chemical formula Compounds are formed by the chemical bonding of atoms or ions of elements. The formula is built in such a way that the combining powers are balanced. While formulating a compound formula, its combining powers or valency should be known. What is Valency? Valence electrons are electrons found in the […]

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 What is a chemical reaction?

What is a chemical reaction?

Chemical reactions What is a chemical reaction? A chemical reaction is a process that converts one or more chemicals, known as reactants, into new compounds, known as products, having differed chemical and physical properties. Bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are established during a chemical reaction, resulting in the formation of new compounds. […]

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 Covalent Bonds

Covalent Bonds

Covalent Bonds definition Another method of forming bonds between atoms is electron sharing. The atoms acquire the noble gas configuration by sharing electrons in this manner. A covalent bond is the joining of atoms by sharing electrons between two atoms. Formation of homoatomic molecules and heteroatomic molecules Homoatomic molecules The sharing of electrons between atoms […]

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 Lab basics and simple experiments

Lab basics and simple experiments

How to use Bunsen burner Place the Bunsen burner on a heat-resistant surface and secure it with a clamp or stand. Check that the gas supply is turned on and the tubing is properly connected to the Bunsen burner. Light a match or a lighter, and hold it near the burner’s air inlet at the […]

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