How to improve reading habits of children

How to improve reading habits of children

Reading is an essential skill to develop in your child. For many parents, reading is a daily activity with their children. As much as this is the case, there are some who just cannot make reading or even encouraging their children to read a habit. For many parents, having their children read is not a […]

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 How a tutor can improve your child’s GCSE results?

How a tutor can improve your child’s GCSE results?

Tutoring is a very significant part of the private education field. It helps students to learn, understand and develop their minds. Tutors can also help children in many ways. The best part about tutoring is that it allows parents to become more involved with their child’s education and learning process. This is because most tutors […]

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 No motivation to get out of bed [Solved]

No motivation to get out of bed [Solved]

How to have a productive weekend What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up on the weekend? Is it “I can’t wait to get started on my work!” or is it “It’s so nice to sleep in,” or maybe even, “There’s nothing I want to do today”? Evening or morning? First and […]

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 Why you should start revising for GCSE early?

Why you should start revising for GCSE early?

GCSE exams are just around the corner. That means that many of you have started to revise. However, I’ve found that some people don’t start revising until the week before exams, which is something I think isn’t very productive. The main reason why you should start revising early is because it gives you enough time […]

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 Largest land predator in Australia- the dingo

Largest land predator in Australia- the dingo

What is the largest land predator in Australia? The Australian dingo is the largest land predator in Australia. They are an ancient breed of wild dog and are thought to have originated in Asia, migrating to Australia with humans thousands of years ago. The dingo has a reddish-brown coat, bushy black tail, pointed ears, and […]

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